I am a self-taught software engineer still early in my career. My first introduction to programming was using Ruby which I was introduced to whilst on the CodeFirst:Girls course in January. Following the course, I then took this further by learning about doing test driven development using RSpec, I have enjoyed this approach to development and have shared my learnings on my GitHub and medium blog. I have since moved on from Ruby, exposing myself to a variety of different technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Outside of learning to code I have also enjoyed sharing my knowledge with others, recently have becoming an instructor at CodeFirst:Girls on their beginner HTML/CSS course. I have found sharing my knowledge with others to be very rewarding.
Providing fun and interactive activities for young people to learn new skills, make friends and develop confidence outside of the wards.
Business Enterprise Project: Directed a team of 5 to complete a business plan and proposed the commercialisation of cancer drug. Forecasted financial projections; estimated the capital investment and variable operating costs.
Design Project: Unified a team of 5 to design and plan a manufacturing facility for the production of a vaccine. Produced a comprehensive economic appraisal; identified risks within the project and structured mitigation strategies.
Research project: Effects of the Lycium barbarum (Goji berry) extract on aggregation of prion protein in vitro
Achieved an overall mark of 82%
Expression and cloning prion protein using molecular biology techniques; protein aggregation was observed to compare its levels when Lycium barbarum (Goji berry) extract is used versus when it is not.
Laboratory skills acquired: immunoassays, PCR, SDS-PAGE, Southern, northern and western blots, clinical enzyme assays (ELISA), protein expression and purification, gel electrophoresis, flow cytometry, immobilised-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), microscopy, gene cloning
Test-driven development (TDD), pair-programming, responsive design, version control - Git
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Sass
Fluent in English and Vietnamese, basic Japanese